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Designed to follow on from Grammar 1 Student Book. Builds on the skills taught in Jolly Phonics and Grammar 1, introducing new spelling, grammar and punctuation in their third year of school.



Grammar 2 Student Book (in print )/グラマー2スチューデントブック(in print)

  • Designed to follow on from the Jolly Phonics Student Books 1, 2 and 3, the Grammar Student Books build on the skills taught in Jolly Phonics, and introduce grammar, spelling and punctuation rules to improve writing and reading comprehension.


    Grammar Student 2 Book follows on from Grammar Student Book 1, building on the skills and knowledge learnt in Jolly Phonics Student Books 1, 2 and 3, as well as Grammar Student Book 1.


    Grammar 2 Student and Teacher’s Books contain 36 spelling and 36 grammar lessons covering the following areas: new spelling patterns; silent letters; syllables; identifying the short vowels; spelling rules – consonant doubling and adding suffixes; tricky word families; revision; further adjectives; comparatives and superlatives, prepositions; conjunctions; dictionary work; punctuation; exclamation marks; apostrophes and further sentence development.

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